12:12 is a VERY SPECIAL PART OF THE VIDEO... This video is a discussion about how to DIRECTLY USE the ELEMENTS of drug experiences so that we can further grow the benefits of drugs into our day to day lives SO THAT DRUG USE BECOMES OBSOLETE. WARNING: To take effective action within and of our experience, one must first clear themselves of distractions and ill-judgement. Only then, can a stream flow. FIND YOSELF, FRIENDS! This video MIGHT also help with withdrawal as well! "Do things that help your body!" Essentially... FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/michaelthemusician/ . Support my creativity on Patreon or by Donating via PayPal! PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/improvehumanity PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/michaelthemusician SOCIAL MEDIA FB: https://www.facebook.com/improvehumanity Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michaelthemusician Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/authentichomie CROWDFUNDING: https://www.patreon.com/improvehumanity PAYPAL: Use https://www.paypal.me/michaelthemusician Where I Live & What I do (visit patreon page) Special Thanks goes out to Marius J, Angelina M, and Travis R. & Insertego, & Jani R. for consistently supporting my ideas & creations! DRUG USE DISCLAIMER "Why I involve myself with drugs" 1) Sovereignty over our own Consciousness I desire the basic right to experiment and explore our conscious-experience of life via our own preferences and decisions so long as it doesn’t cause unavoidable harm to others. No one should be able to control *how* we choose to experience life and the inevitably-unique perspective of reality we live by. It makes no natural-sense to try and maintain a standard paradigm, “status quo”, or culturally normative way of life. The only natural-constant is change. I believe we should let society and its norms evolve – so that we can further evolve naturally with the whole-sum life itself and continue living in harmony with what came before us, is here currently, and will be beyond us. 2) To promote introspection, true-honesty, natural-authenticity, and the sharing of ideas. Growing up, we explore ourselves in a variety of ways. Whether it be an arm we reach out, the eyes we see through, or any other form of sensible-experience, we are communicating with the environment around us *through* our sensible body. Since our births, we have always been extending outwardly - trying to learn ourselves and our environment. In my opinion, this should not end at the boundary of our “physical” body. Consciousness is a part of us in some way, and we deserve the rights to extend our thoughts into unique circumstances just like the rest of our sensible-experiences. (Finish reading here: https://www.patreon.com/improvehumanity)